I apologize for this minor detour from the typical blog post of inspiration!
Let me start by saying I am not obsessed with Paris Hilton. I don't cut her out of the tabloids for a special "Paris" scrapbook. I don't have any of her perfumes or "albums." In fact, I am sort of annoyed with her baby voice antics. Now I did watch her show, The Simple Life...but that's about all. BUT somewhere in my brain there is a little room covered in animal prints and lined with pink furry walls...this is where Paris lives and over the last few years she pops up in my dreams. I have had dreams where I have gone to her house and slept in her very messy room. Paris and I have made out. Gone to after parties. Dreams with Paris are fun! And after a very long spell, Paris returned to my dreams last night....
I was at a store looking through clothes when she walked in. Paris began talking to the person I was with and not saying anything to me at all. I made small talk with her as she looked though the clothes and then she recognized me and said "Ohhhh I know you...but I can't remember your name." I replied, "ohhh It's Patrick." Paris then said,"yah, thats right Patrick Wayne." I told her she had redeemed herself for knowing my middle name. We had a laugh and then she said " We should go on an airplane ride around LA." I thought this seemed like a good idea and I agreed. Then the dream transitioned to a hotel that we were arriving at together. She ordered a drink at the front desk and then went to the room. When I went up to the counter I could tell the guys thought, "What is she doing with this loser." I ordered my drink and then paid for hers even though I didn't have the money. I also bought a bottle of liquor and then the guy told me Paris was in room 212. On the way to the room I ran into some friends of mine. They were wondered where I was going and I told them they wouldn't believe who I was with. Someone said ," Michelle Obama?".... I replied, " no... but close!" haa haa but I'll never know what happened because I woke up when before I got to the room!!!
I always have a feeling of accomplishment and a bit of a braggadocio when I am with Paris. Ohhhhh man. I need to put a shiny bedazzled lock on that pink door in my brain. She is bad news for my dream ego.
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