Monday, December 27, 2010
Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey, Venus Xtravaganza are people I wish I had the pleasure of knowing.
The drag world is something I have been in the midst of for almost 10 years. I have seen shows that I thought were interesting and or funny. But I never got it. Without spilling my guts for pages and pages...I'll say this: This film reminded me how lucky I am to have seen drag culture firsthand and to appreciate it for what it is. We are ALL in drag or costume on a daily basis. Some outfit/look that makes us fit in with a group or society.... most of us just don't do it up like Pepper LaBeija! This movie was strangely full of wisdom and wit and I highly recommend it! It gives you a look into late 80's New York Ball scene. A CULTURAL GEM! Check it out!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Hanna and The Chemical Brothers
Monday, December 13, 2010
Scissor Sisters Invisible Light Video
Want all the mind-bending visual splendor of an acid trip without the negative side effects? The flamboyant, never-dull Scissor Sisters have found the solution in their video for “Invisible Light,” in which you’ll swear you took a hallucinogenic substance and wandered through a movie theaters back in the 70s. Watch the video after the jump (but don’t blame us if you have flashbacks later).
Vertigo, The Last Temptation Of Christ, Basic Instinct — there are so many cinematic allusions here that to mention them all would be like researching a film school term paper. Suffice to say, we love the way this was shot to resemble a 60s-era Roman Polanski film, from the costuming and sets to the color (and, in certain moments, an Abercrombie and Fitch catalogue — but that might be just an accident.)
Aside from trippy tropes like stigmata, laser beams shooting from a man’s eyes, a menacing clown, and even a unicorn, the video features a very memorable, near-epic ass-grab that stands out in this otherwise quick-cutting video. This sort of over-the-top, grab-bag madness is exactly what we’d expect from the Sisters — this is one band we’re confident can match Gaga every step of the way on their upcoming tour.
[Via P4K]
Monday, November 22, 2010
Naked and the Famous at Bardot
See you tonight at Bardot as this band makes it's LA debut! It's FREE! Just RSVP here! Plus Jason Bentley will be DJing so bring your dancing shoes!! WHADDA DEAL!
Friday, November 19, 2010

Click below to vote for my entry into the "worst logo ever" contest. Designing a "bad" logo intentionally takes some thought. It has to be bad in a smart way... let's hope mine does this so I can win the grand prize, a laser disc player!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Artist Interview: Julie Klein

Living in Los Angeles, you end up meeting A LOT of people. Sometimes you are lucky enough to meet some REALLY talented folks. The stars must have been aligned when I met Julie Klein. We met at an art show and chit chatted about usual things. I discovered Julie was a new transplant to LA and that she made pottery. We talked a bit more and then she was gone and I was left with a card. To be honest, I have never been crazy about pottery. I have seen some nice looking pieces here and there but never anything where I was "WOWED" (I may have been ignorant to the world of pottery) .... that is until I saw Julie's masterpieces! Her work, particularly teapots, is outstanding.... don't take my word for it see yourself below!
My main purpose of this blog was to share things that I find inspiring and wonderful. Julie Klein's work certainly fulfills that goal. The following is an interview I did with her for this blog......
Your teapots are what first caught my attention. It's refreshing to see such original designs. What's your process? Do you tend to draw out your ideas at first or do you just grab some clay and go with it! And does the piece take on an organic life of it's own usually or do you find yourself sticking with the original idea?

I’m a pretty analytical person, so every piece I approach with a plan which helps keep me focused all the way to the end (I have a really big problem with “writer’s block”). I carry around a really (now) ragged 3”x5” spiral notebook in my bag everywhere I go which contain tons of sketches of potential projects. I have probably about 200+ drawings in this little thing. I pretty much start cranking them out when I’m inspired to do so. Some drawings are so old that they no longer fit with the direction of the work I’m moving in but it’s still fun to revisit where I was when I sketched them out. As far as creating from start to finish, I try and stick with the original sketch but when you translate from an inspired piece or texture or idea onto paper and then many moons later translate again to clay while problem solving the construction of the working pieces, it does organically take on a life of its own unintentionally.
How long do you find yourself spending on the each teapot?
Curse my day job! Yes, I’m a weekend potter, unfortunately, so time is very limiting. I usually work on 3 pieces at once though so while a handle is setting up, I can maximize work flow by finishing a lid on another. But all in all it takes about 3-4 weeks to complete the construction, another 1-2 weeks to let slow dry to bone dry consistency, put it in to be 1st fired, glaze it the next week and get the finished piece the following week. Somewhere in this lengthy time, I get so tired of working on the same piece for so long I start to let go of it emotionally….
Do you find it hard to part with a piece when you sell one?
So I have no problem letting go of a piece because I’m working on the next one at that time which I inevitably like better and is probably a cooler challenge. Even though the work I make is very one of a kind, nope, no issues parting. I mean you have to if you want to be a professional artist or else you’d just be your own home decorator. But I do make sure I photograph all the pieces before I put them up for sale. It’s important that I document everything not only to have a copy of it but to also visually see where my work is progressing. Like I can see that a lot of my forms are becoming more gestural and open lately…

What is your inspiration for your work?
I believe there are no more original ideas. They all come from somewhere. So most of my work is inspired by other artists but more so from their media. I’m really interested in pushing the ability of clay. So I’ll see a handle from a 16th century Greek metal pitcher that’s extremely ornate and I’ll think, “how can I make that work with clay?” Every piece is a bigger challenge than the last. You know the War of the Worlds tentacle legs robots? I’m trying to make a teapot right now in which the body will be suspended off the ground and only supported by tripod legs. I have to think about how to deal with all the weight on the legs, warping in the kiln, how it will stand for glazing, etc. Gravity has been my biggest challenge, so I’m inspired by problem solving. Oh, that and Yixing Pottery. You should google it.
Why Teapots? Huge fan of tea?
I’m a coffee drinker and IF on the off chance I’m cold or have a cold, I’ll drink tea with a teabag. I’m my own market competition. When I was making 2” tall mud pies on the wheel I loved the idea of making teapots. It’s like a girl who buys her first pair of running shoes who dreams of winning the Olympic Gold Medal at the 100 meter dash. Ok, maybe not, but for me, the teapot is one of, if not the most complicated functional vessel. I’m drawn to the infinite amount of design possibilities. Just as an example, imagine all the different ways a hat can be designed. I feel the same way about a teapot. Actually, before I started to play with clay I bought Larkin Publications 500 Teapots and drooled over all of the amazing designs. My work is moving in the direction of sculpture but I’m still making teapots, just more non-functional ones.

Would you like to see your work manufactured on a big scale? or do you prefer the one-of-a-kind business?
Dude! I’d totally sell out! If Crate and Barrel approached me and wanted to mass produce a design of mine, I’d race to sign on the dotted line. What I’m not interested in is production pottery, the cranking out of the same thing myself over and over ala plates, bowls and cups etc. It doesn’t work with my brain. When it’s the same thing over and over again it becomes mundane and it’s no longer fun anymore. I also have little desire to do custom work. Yeah, also means I have no choice but to stay at my day job in order to continue doing what I’m doing. Even though I’d like to devote 60hrs a week to clay, I’d need to become an assembly line in order to make a living. I’m not ready to do that quite yet. So for now, OOAK is where it’s at.
What music do you listen to while you work?
I actually rarely listen to music while I work. The low hum of the wheel as it spins is what I love. It’s like my own version of The Rain Forest Frog soothing CD.
Which do you like better?

The designing of the pieces? The production/sculpting/ of the work? Or the firing, finishing of the work?
I definitely like the construction, production of a piece. I’m a very tactile, DIY hands on kind of person. I also love the look of leather hard clay and If I could capture that color and texture permanently, I wouldn’t fire a single piece. Glazing is definitely my weakness, however. I feel I’m not very good at it. Perhaps it’s because I lose patience with a piece by week 6 that I just want it to be finished. That’s not smart on my part. Most consumers buy art or objects for the colors first then form second. I’d like to start using non-clay related materials and add it to the piece post high firing, but I find myself moved on already and focused on construction of another piece all together.
I read a quote the other day and it said something similar to this ... "Find something you love to do and never work another day in your life."
Do you think this is where you are headed or at now?
I like that quote. I’d like to say I’m heading that way. I’d certainly like to get there. Just keep on moving forward. But I definitely don’t see clay as work. Friends will tell me that they wish they had passion for something like I have for clay and I don’t really understand their statement all too well. For me, clay just is. It’s something I have to do. Don’t get me wrong, like any relationship, you get sick of ‘em and pull back for a while, question if this is who you want to spend the rest of your life with; that kind of stuff. But that’s just normal insecurities you work through. But ultimately I’m married to it. I found what I want to be when I grow up.

Okay no more questions detective! Big thanks to Julie Klein for taking the time for this interview and now go to her site and drool over her work! Christmas is right around the corner and her Etsy site is calling your name!!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A Trip Back - The REAL Jerri Blank
One of my favorite shows is "Strangers With Candy". Watching Amy Sedaris twist her face, bat her eyes and prance around her ill-fitting clothes was an amazing piece of TV!!! God bless her! As it turns out she was HEAVILY INSPIRED by this real life "JERRI BLANK"... with some lines taken directly from this PSA and used in the show. It certainly doesn't make the show any less hilarious but it does shed some light on how this iconic character was made!
A few things you should know about!
The Naked and the Famous - Young Blood
These kids will be playing a FREE show in Los Angeles at Bardot on November 22. Looks like Jason Bentley will be Djing as well. Not to be missed! You have to RSVP here.
Junip - Always
This band comes over from dear Sweden. I'm not sure why but Sweden seems be pumping out a lot of great music right now! (Little Dragon, Robyn, Lykke Li) Maybe it's the painfully dark winters. This song is great and the whole album , Fields, from which this song comes is "melt in your mouth" good! They are playing a show in Los Angeles on November 14th. You should probably go see them. Get tickets Here
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Find Yourself Here tonight!

$1000 in costume prizes!!!
The promoters are:
Eric Adams (Rooftop Love & Sausagefest), Cody Bayne (Trannyshack LA, Duke, Fuzzy & SML), Mario Diaz (Full Frontal Disco ,Fuzzy, Brutus & Big Fat Dick), Victor Rodriguez (Shits & Giggles & Cub Scout), Mike Uljanic (Otter Magic)
The performers are:
Kelly Mantle, Miss Barbie Q & Nina McNeely & Co.
The DJs are:
DJ Chris Bowen (Shits & Giggles, Bears in Space), DJ Matt Cornwall (Drai's @ The W, Fubar), DJ Pandamonium (Par Avion and Outré), DJ Victor Rodriguez (Children of the Sun, Cub Scout), DJ Susan in Accounting (Otter Magic)
Other things we have in store:
* Marky Make Up (Amer. Next Top Model, RuPauls Drag Race) will be there to do airbrush body painting AND will be assisting folks with their make up needs including Beauty, Gore & More! * Two photo booths to document your fabulous costume! * Roaming photographers * Fortune Tellers * Palm Readers * Aerialists
If you've never been to The 740:
It's huge! There's three rooms for dancing, including a very dark basement...
It's in Downtown L.A. near the corner of 8th & Spring. Venue is 21+. Parking is available adjacent to the club for $10 or nearby for $5. Sometimes you can find street parking, but watch signs for "No parking after 2am" etc.
We want you to beat the lines and get there early and will have early drink specials to encourage you!
Tickets are $10 advance, $15 at the door. Arrive early to avoid the lines!
200 rooms of scare

I am obsessed with old abandoned buildings!Much to my delight today on the WOW Report James posted this great building! It looks to be in pretty poor shape! But cross your fingers that it gets saved! Slap some paint and new windows in there and we might have something!
Fabulous Bennett College in Millbrook, New York was originally built in 1890 as a luxury hotel designed in the elaborate Victorian Queen Anne style by James E. Ware, and consisted of 200 rooms in 5 stories, plus a basement and sub-basement. Despite the grandeur, Halcyon Hall (as it was called) failed to catch the popularity it had hoped for. It closed in 1901, and stood vacant until another a buyer was found eight years later. The Bennett School for Girls founder Miss May Bennett decided Halcyon Hall was quite suitable as a new home in 1907. The school had 120 students, most from prominent families. These women took a six year course of study - four years of high school and two years of higher study. Bennett School for Girls saw its enrollment decline in the 1970s as coeducation became more popular, and went bankrupt in 1977. Several attempts to develop the property have failed since then, and despite a petition to enter it into the National Register of Historic Places, the town of Millbrook has been working with developers to demolish the gorgeous building. See pictures of it back in its heyday here, and absolutely GORGEOUS pictures of it now here. And be sure to click on the image above to see it in all it's looming glory.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Echo of hot air!
Friday, October 15, 2010
17 Gigapixel Camera
This is where technology is headed! Ohhhh man! It will take up your computer hard drive real quick but it will all be worth it!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Morphing into me!
I made a similar video like this about 6 years ago. It was time for some additions and new technology to spruce it up. This video was made with Morph Age.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Furniture that saves space... and looks great too! ohhh man!
Thanks to Chris for always sending me good videos to post here!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A scary 13 minutes!
Kitchen Sink \ Alison Maclean [1989] from veana on Vimeo.
watch now!
I saw this short on the sci-fi network several years ago. Beautifully shot! Fantastic music. Unique Story! You can't go wrong here! Disturbing horror film. A woman is cleaning her kitchen sink. Just when she thinks it is spotless, she notices what appears to be a strand of hair near the drain. As she pulls on it, she realizes it is coming out of the drain…and is very long.
Nominated for Golden Palm.
Directed by Alison Maclean / New Zeland / 1989
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Video from Magic Garage 6 and Dream Explosion
LA Art Shows August 21 2010 from Patrick McPheron on Vimeo.
A video showcasing 2 art shows that I had work in. Bagavagabonds Dream Art Explosion in Culver City. These guys know how to throw a party! A great show where the art sold for $50 bucks or less and went to this charity
The second show of the night was a "Choose your own Adventure" by Magic Garage Productions & the Catalyst Artist Collective LA. Tons of bands and acts plus over 60 artists! An awesome show with outstanding work!
Monday, August 23, 2010
MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ON from Dean Fleischer-Camp on Vimeo.
One of the best videos I have seen in months! This is why the internet is GREAT! Cute and SUPER FUNNY! I expect a lot of introverted talking objects popping up in videos in the next few months..... thanks to this one breaking waves!
Directed by Dean Fleischer-Camp
Marcel is voiced (untreated & unenhanced) by a genius named Jenny Slate
Written by Jenny Slate + Dean Fleischer-Camp
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How to Make Justin Bieber Sound Incredible: Slow Him Down 800 Percent
You totally hate Justin Bieber, right, because you're a rebel, or whatever? That's just because you haven't listened to Bieber slowed down 800 percent. Now his new single "U Smile" is a 30-minute epic. And it sounds awesome. No, really.
Courtesy of musician Nick Pittsinger, who used the free program Paulstretch, this is "U Smile" made slower. Like, a lot slower—eight times slower, to be exact. And all of a sudden the not-bad piano pop track sounds like the climactic score to some kind of historical epic, or Dead Can Dance, or, like, Animal Collective, or something. It sounds like the ocean, but, like, in heaven, man. Plus, it's 35 minutes long:
J. BIEBZ - U SMILE 800% SLOWER by Shamantis
Someone needs to get that on Pure Moods V. You can download it here, for the next time you're super stoned and don't have the Gladiator soundtrack with you.
DREAMS art show

Another show I have work in this Saturday! All the work will sell for 50 bucks or less and goes to charity! SO GO!
FILTER Magazine Presents...Bagavagabonds DREAM Art Explosion
8/21, 7pm – 1am @ The Brick Building • 8870 Washington Blvd, Culver City CA
Live performances by:
Voxhaul Broadcast, We Barbarians, Risers, Lord Huron, New Kingdom, The Drakes and
AKA Freak Hawk (members of The Franks, The Outline, and Superhumanoids)
DJ sets by: JUST MATTER and Hatbox
Tons and tons of original art for sale for $50 bucks or less with proceeds benefiting Make Something!!
-Ping Pong Lounge and Art Installation from K-Swiss
-Knockaround Sunglasses presents the dream photo booth shot by Colin Young-Wolff
-Insight Garage Artists Spotlight
-Live and Free screen-printing from the BV crew
-Original Films in the “5 for 50” screening room
-Dream Confessional – you’re secret is safe with us
-“Night Terror” - you’ll see
-The Zzzz Room with never-before-songs by Band of Horses’ Ben Bridwell, Bonnie “Prince” Billy, Cold War Kids, Here We Go Magic, We Barbarians and plenty more
$10 (donation). All ages. Free Drinks. Bring Cash for Art!!!
Endless thanks to our friends and partners at FILTER, Insight, K-Swiss, Jarritos, PBR, Knockaround, Scion
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Magic Garage 6

If you are looking for something to do this Saturday.... You should probably find yourself here at Magic Garage 6. It is an annual group art show going down in a great space in the warehouse district in Los Angeles. I have been to couple of other events here and they are always awesome! PLUS it is "Choose your own adventure" theme...AND I HAVE WORK IN THE SHOW!... which is pretty darn fantastic.
Click here for more info and directions!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Paris Hilton returns to my dreams

I apologize for this minor detour from the typical blog post of inspiration!
Let me start by saying I am not obsessed with Paris Hilton. I don't cut her out of the tabloids for a special "Paris" scrapbook. I don't have any of her perfumes or "albums." In fact, I am sort of annoyed with her baby voice antics. Now I did watch her show, The Simple Life...but that's about all. BUT somewhere in my brain there is a little room covered in animal prints and lined with pink furry walls...this is where Paris lives and over the last few years she pops up in my dreams. I have had dreams where I have gone to her house and slept in her very messy room. Paris and I have made out. Gone to after parties. Dreams with Paris are fun! And after a very long spell, Paris returned to my dreams last night....
I was at a store looking through clothes when she walked in. Paris began talking to the person I was with and not saying anything to me at all. I made small talk with her as she looked though the clothes and then she recognized me and said "Ohhhh I know you...but I can't remember your name." I replied, "ohhh It's Patrick." Paris then said,"yah, thats right Patrick Wayne." I told her she had redeemed herself for knowing my middle name. We had a laugh and then she said " We should go on an airplane ride around LA." I thought this seemed like a good idea and I agreed. Then the dream transitioned to a hotel that we were arriving at together. She ordered a drink at the front desk and then went to the room. When I went up to the counter I could tell the guys thought, "What is she doing with this loser." I ordered my drink and then paid for hers even though I didn't have the money. I also bought a bottle of liquor and then the guy told me Paris was in room 212. On the way to the room I ran into some friends of mine. They were wondered where I was going and I told them they wouldn't believe who I was with. Someone said ," Michelle Obama?".... I replied, " no... but close!" haa haa but I'll never know what happened because I woke up when before I got to the room!!!
I always have a feeling of accomplishment and a bit of a braggadocio when I am with Paris. Ohhhhh man. I need to put a shiny bedazzled lock on that pink door in my brain. She is bad news for my dream ego.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Judging books by their covers...
.....AND also take the opportunity to show you this amazing performance that reiterates the above.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Salvadore Dali's Beating Heart Brooch
Salvador Dali did more just paint! He was a photographer, furniture maker and, new to me, a jewelry maker! This is a brooch he made for the Queen of England. The heart is made of rubies, gold and other semi-precious stones. Its mechanical beating pump gives life to this surrealist treasure. AMAZING!
This photo says it all! Celebrity Justice is GREAT!
Lindsay makes her way into court amidst golden confetti and the flash of cameras. She will most likely be serving about 15 days of her 90 days sentence. Failed probation, possession of cocaine charges, driving while intoxicated, missed court dates... if she were a black man... she would be in prison.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Clothes? thanks!
Saturday June 12th LA - For More Info
The World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) advocates and celebrates sustainable energy, environmentally-responsible living, human-powered transport and body-positive value.
The WNBR has been celebrated by over a hundred major cities in 29 different countries for the past five years, and now we are kickstarting the ride in LA at the height of the mushrooming cyclist and artistic movements. Don't miss this.
It's not everyday you get to ride through the streets nude or close to!!....I'll be there in a superman undies and cape.... will you?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Daedelus "Righteous Fists of Harmony"
Daedelus "Righteous Fists of Harmony" from DestroyRockMusic Inc. on Vimeo.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The next day with the LA Times came 3 boxes of cereal! Although they were tiny in size they proved to be sufficient snacks!
Today with the LA Times comes a full size movie poster for Prince of Persia... uhhhh sorry not even giant posters with the newspaper are going to save your crappy movie?.... next time send beers.

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fake Painting Photographs by Alexa Meade
“Alexa Meade is an installation artist based in the Washington, DC area. Her background in the world of political communications has fueled her intellectual interest in the tensions between perception and reality.
Alexa Meade’s innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships.” via Bored Panda

Thursday, May 20, 2010

For one night only, KCRW and the Fowler Museum at UCLA team up to present a free, all-ages night of music, art and dancing on the UCLA campus. The event will include pop-up performances by dancers clad in “Soundsuits,” which are fantastic, costume-like works of art by visionary Chicago-based artist Nick Cave.
Dance to live DJ sets by KCRW DJs Jason Bentley and Garth Trinidad outdoors on Wilson Plaza; enjoy special after-hours museum access, pop-up poetry readings, art workshops where you can create your own Soundsuit-inspired apparel, cocktails from the Fowler’s amphitheatre and terrace bars, as well as some of L.A.’s most popular food trucks!
For more info
Could be fun!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Massive Attack Review
I won't make this a long winded concert review where I dissect every song and movement of the night. Last night was my first time seeing Massive Attack in concert. They did not disappoint. Martina Topley-Bird's opening set was really great. Massive attack's show covered all the hits from all the albums and also threw in two songs I had never heard before. Horace Andy blew it up on Girl I love You and Angel. Behind the band they had led light boards that displayed messages about world politics and social issues. Go to the show....You will be glad you did!.... BTW if you have a couple on ecstasy in front of you...try to move away as they will be very distracting with their constant hugging and kissing and swaying into the people around them. Also get there early and get bands to get in the front stage area!
Friday, May 14, 2010
4th of July is right around the corner....

Never before has showing your love of country been more beautifully expressed than with this colorful sweater in Red, White, and Blue. Just duplicate stitch the stars and stipes of Old Glory on the front of a purchased sweater. Add a shield with stripes and stars. One the back, stitch the eagle symbol of the United States complete with olive leaves and arrows. Add glitz and glamour with pearls sewn along the Red stripes. Then sew sequins and seed beads on the shield, heart and eagle. Scatter some bugle beads on the heart. You'll love wearing this glamorous creation that vividly displays your patriotic spirit.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Talented 12 year olds!
The buildings of the Shanghai World Expo 2010
Inspiration of ideas on an international level! Construction workers and organizers in Shanghai, China are busily completing tasks ahead of the planned opening of the 2010 World Expo on May 1st – planned to be the largest World Expo in history. The theme of the Expo is “Better City, Better Life”, and is scheduled to run until October 31, 2010. In recent months, large construction and renovation projects have dominated much of Shanghai, in preparation for becoming the World’s stage on May 1st. Up to 800,000 visitors are expected each day – a total of 70 million visitors in all visiting exhibitions from nearly 200 participants around the world. Collected here are several recent photos from Shanghai as construction nears completion for the Expo 2010.
Friday, May 7, 2010
It's's taxidermy madness!

Grand opening of The Rogue Taxidermy Show at La Luz de Jesus. Rogue Taxidermy is the creation of oddities using traditional taxidermy materials and techniques.
Guest curator Robert Marbury (along with his partners Scott Bibus and Sarina Brewer) coined the term in 2004, upon forming the Minnesota Association of Rogue Taxidermists. Road kill becomes a central part of their "recycled" philosophy, as are discarded livestock, destroyed nuisance animals, casualties of the pet trade and animals that have expired from natural causes. Other sculptures utilize taxidermy materials with custom stitching to fashion beasts from the recycled pelts of toy stuffed animals. Elements of technology and decoration combine to create ornaments that approach high art, not only in craft, but in concept. Materials and even species are mixed, helping to broaden presumptive definitions. Pieces in this exhibition span Steam Punk to Rococo-from playful to elegant. This exhibition includes new work from Enrique Gomez de Molina, Jessica Joslin, Elizabeth McGrath, and Brian Poor in addition to M.A.R.T. regulars Brooke Weston, Jeanie M, Melissa Dixson, Mirmy Winn, Alan Wadzinski, and founders Robert Marbury, Scott Bibus, and Sarina Brewer. The show opens Friday May 7 2010!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Inspiration....YES THANK YOU!

A few of the many of images found at Fancy That Just looking at all of these images makes me wanna grab my camera and start shooting, photoshopping and illustrating all at once!!!! ouch!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Efficient Furniture
This Murakami Chair designed by Rochus Jacob has an attached OLED lamp that's powered by the back-and-forth motion of rocking in it. The lamp even senses when it's light or dark out, and the battery pack stores all the power made from the rocking you did in the daylight. (VIA WOW REPORT)
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Over 100,000 people on drugs... Could be fun!?
Promoters have made this year's event bigger so everyone is not dancing on top of each other and of course the carnival rides will be there twirling spaced out kids around! I am weary of this many people in one place, especially drugged out kids who could be on another planet.... but in any case Electric Daisy Carnival takes place on June 25-26 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coloseum and Park. I'll have think about this one.
Lineup so far for 2010
Deadmau5 • Armin van Buuren • Groove Armada
Moby • Swedish House Mafia • Benny Benassi
Kaskade • Above & Beyond • Fedde Le Grand
Sasha • Laidback Luke • Armand Van Helden • MSTRKRFT
Wolfgang Gartner • BT (Live) • Dirty South
Claude von Stroke • Z-Trip • Jackbeats
Steve Aoki • Bart B More • Gareth Emery
Dada Life • Afrojack • Chuckie
Monday, April 26, 2010
Shocking new MIA
M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

looking for something to do this fine Sunday... go here! So much amazing stuff!'ll cry!
Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"A titillating collection of East Side hipsters flaunting their best disco outfits while they dance"
"Some of the hottest, most theatrically retro-garbed regulars we’ve ogled in one place, topped only by the hosts. Hef is always a whimsical peacock and Diaz does disco pimp like no other!"
--LA Weekly
"This party is all about 'disco decadence'...the floor is packed and the booze is flowing"
"One of my favorite L.A. nights"
--Disco Workout
"Full Frontal, without a doubt, provided a time machine for the contemporary to experience true disco fever once again"
--URB Magazine
"Expect the pants to be as tight as the disco beats"
--Lina Lecaro
"The costumed patrons are disco-loving dancers, and the venue's light-up floor makes grinding that much more fun."
"If you want to hear authentic disco (not hipsters attempting to ironically mix mp3s), be there"
--L.A. Times
"The fog is so deep you can't tell the topless women apart from the topless trannies and the music is so decadently disco that you really don't care as long as they're dancing with you."
--West of Hollywood
Monday, April 19, 2010
Best Music Video Ever?
I have always been a fan of the Chemical Brothers...but they raised the bar and blew me away when they released this music video in 2002. This big video and massive song still rank up at the top for me. The visuals and drug-induced out story line could not be better suited for the music. A magical wonderland as envisioned by a girl who perhaps took too much acid.... comes to her senses on the dance floor. MAGICAL INDEED!
The Chemical Brothers will be playing in LA at the Hollywood Bowl on August 29. Not to be missed!
M. Scott Hove’s “Cakeland”

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The beginning of a beautiful relationship
Current mood: